As a subscriber of Value Investor Insight (“VII”) (I previously wrote about in this post), which serves as my learning tool and an avenue for idea generation, I have also found the newsletters useful in that it acts as quick reference when I chance upon a potential opportunity. For example, if I come across a company such as Hertz hitting its 52-week high/low or it appears on a 13F, etc, and I needed a quick understanding of what credible investors have thought about it, I could look through VII and trace an investor’s pitch on it. That provides some context and short circuits the preliminary work to be done.

The only problem is that VII does not seem to have an available list of all companies that were ever featured in the newsletters. That means one would have to look through each copy manually or rely on memory as to whether a company was mentioned. To solve that problem, I rolled up my sleeves and pulled out the companies’ names and month the newsletter was published, and dumped them into Google Sheets. It was a little tedious but with some spreadsheet shortcuts, that alleviated some of the heavy lifting, and I believe it will be rather worth the time and effort when the list is required.

I have done up the list between October 2016 till January 2012 – 5 years. The first issue of VII goes all the way back to 2005. I will try to continue pulling the data out till the very first issue and update the sheet accordingly.

For those who are keen, I’ve kept the list public and can be viewed below. It can also be found under a new section in the navigation menu – Resources > VII Featured Investments – for ease of reference.

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